
Demo videos

Below are demonstration videos for guiding you through each section of your online Doctor 360 account, whether you’re a doctor completing your 360 feedback exercise, an appraiser or Revalidation Manager wishing to access a doctor’s final reports or a colleague wishing to respond to a feedback invitation that they have been sent by a doctor.

Remember that there are also handy documents to read through in your ‘Useful documents’ tab at the top of your account homepage.

Doctor 360: Logging into your account

A demonstration of how to log into your Edgecumbe Doctor 360 account and what to do if it doesn’t work on your first attempt.

Doctor 360: Completing your self assessments

A demonstration of how to complete your online self-colleague and self-patient assessment questionnaires.

Doctor 360: Nominating colleagues for feedback

A demonstration of how to nominate colleagues to provide feedback for your colleague report.

Doctor 360: Completing patient feedback

A demonstration of how to access your patient feedback forms, collect the feedback from patients and ensure your patient feedback report is processed.

Doctor 360: Adding an appraiser

A demonstration of how to access your appraisee’s nominated colleague list and clarification of your responsibilities when ensuring that you and your appraisee obtain the colleague and patient feedback reports.

Doctor 360: Collecting colleague and patient feedback using our QR code

A demonstration on how to start collecting patient feedback using a QR code by nominating an appointee.

Doctor 360: Collecting online patient feedback as an appointee

How to access the patient feedback portal to collect patient feedback as an appraisee – using digital methods (e.g. email link or QR code) on behalf of a doctor.

Doctor 360: Choosing your 360 exercise

Understanding the difference between paper and online access exercises, and learning how to make the best choice of 360 feedback exercise.

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