Appraisal tips – understanding your feedback with our Doctor 360° workbook

The rationale for 360° feedback is to corroborate your self-awareness through feedback from different sources. This feedback is intended to:

  • increase your self-awareness and motivation;
  • recognise and build on your strengths;
  • identify any limitations and development needs;
  • identify goals that lead to enhanced effectiveness and learning, improved performance and job satisfaction

What is the Doctor 360° workbook?

Our workbook has been created to help you understand the feedback provided in your Doctor 360° report; it allows you to document your initial reactions to the feedback and then analyse the feedback in detail. Thus, you will be able to gather the key messages about your strengths and contributions and get the most from your feedback discussion.

Together with your facilitator/appraiser, you can use the information in your workbook to formulate actions to enhance your contributions, learning and development. You may want to keep your workbook (along with the Doctor 360° report) in your appraisal folder as these will both be important for your appraisal discussion and development plans.

Self-awareness as part of the feedback process – the ‘Johari Window’

A useful tool in developing self-awareness is the Johari Window, which is especially relevant today due to the emphasis on (and influence of) ‘soft’ skills, such as empathy, co-operation and multi-professional team working. The Johari Window is a psychological tool that helps individuals understand their relationships with themselves and others. It was created by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 and is often used in self-awareness and interpersonal communication training. The Johari Window divides information about a person into four quadrants representing different aspects of self-awareness and perceptions held by others:

Open Area (Open Self)

This quadrant includes information that individuals and others are aware of. It’s the part of ourselves that we willingly share with others, like our skills, traits, behaviours, and feelings.

Blind Area (Blind Self)

This quadrant represents things about ourselves that others notice and may share with us, but we might not see or acknowledge.

Hidden Area (Hidden Self)

This quadrant contains information that individuals are aware of but choose not to share with others, including private thoughts, fears, insecurities, or past experiences.

Unknown Area (Unknown Self)

This quadrant represents information that neither individuals nor others are aware of; potential qualities, traits, or emotions that have not yet surfaced or been discovered.

The purpose of the Johari Window is to increase self-awareness and enhance communication. As individuals share information about themselves and receive feedback from others, the open area expands, reducing the blind and hidden areas. This process can lead to better understanding, improved relationships and personal growth. The Johari Window is often used in team building, leadership development, therapy, and conflict resolution to facilitate better communication and self-discovery. It’s a simple yet effective framework for exploring how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us.

Once your feedback has been categorised using the Johari Window, you can continue through the workbook to help analyse feedback that you have received. The sections have been split into the following categories to help reflect on your feedback:

  • Immediate reactions to the feedback.
  • Feedback consistency.
  • Strengths.
  • Development areas.
  • Considered reflections.
  • Action plan using SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timebound).

To access your Doctor 360° workbook, please visit the ‘My 360’ tab on your dashboard and select the ‘Reports’ tab. Alternatively, you can access the workbook in the ‘Support Materials’ area. If you would like to book in a session to look in more depth at our Doctor 360° workbook, please contact the Doctor 360° team at

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Tel: 0117 332 8277

Edgecumbe Consulting Group Ltd, Whitefriars Business Centre, 2nd Floor, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS21 2NT

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