Our QR code-enabled digital patient feedback – more efficient and sustainable revalidation

Feedback is a critical part of any business, and the healthcare industry is no different. In order to provide the best possible care for patients, it is important to collect feedback in order to identify areas that need improvement. Traditionally, paper feedback forms have been used to collect patient feedback. However, this process can be time-consuming and can result in lost or damaged forms. QR codes linking through to digital questionnaires offer a more sustainable and less time-consuming alternative to the paper-based feedback method.

Our QR code functionality offers a quick and convenient way for patients to provide feedback; patients simply scan the QR code with their smartphone or tablet, which takes them directly to the questionnaire and facilitates the easy and efficient collection of feedback, whilst helping push towards a more sustainable future for revalidation.

How it works

  1. The QR code is generated in the user’s Patient Feedback Portal.
  2. The user downloads and prints the QR code ready to be displayed in the GP practice or consulting room (or shown to patients immediately after a consultation).
  3. Patients scan the QR code using the camera function on a smart phone or other electronic device and are taken directly to the questionnaire.
  4. Responses are automatically uploaded to the user’s account.
  5. Once the minimum/desired number of responses has been achieved, the patient report can be released by a chosen colleague, also known as the appointee.

Key benefits of QR code-enabled feedback forms

  • Time savings for doctors/nurses and patients.
  • Cost savings - no printing/postage costs, and reduced workloads for supporting staff.
  • Ease of use - appealing to patients who use a smart device and less admin for practices – easy to access a greater number of patients.
  • Secure data processing - no opportunity for interception, forgery or paper sifting/selection.
  • Sustainability – reduction of paper use.
  • Simplicity – no need for organisations to provide or monitor an electronic device for online feedback.
  • Faster data processing turnaround time for digital patient feedback compared to paper-based questionnaires and instant report generation.

Support with using our QR code functionality for patient questionnaires is available through user guides and demo videos in the ‘support materials’ section of the user portal.

How our QR code functionality has been received so far

As part of our beta testing, we asked Trust Revalidation Managers to provide anonymous feedback on our QR code facility. These are some of the comments we received:

“Ease of access for more patients.”

“Sustainable, reducing paper. Cheaper – no printing/postage costs. Easy for patients to access, if they have smart phone/tablet, etc.”

“Fab. I hope to put a copy of the QR code on the doctor’s door in clinic and in the ‘day room/patient notice board’ on the ward so patients can access it. I also hope we can leave the QR code for an extended time so that we get more reliable feedback over an extended period.”

“Quick for the nurses/doctors to ask someone to give them feedback straight away whilst they are sat in the hospital. Environmentally great.”

Some key results from our research

Before launching our Doctor 360˚  QR code functionality, we carried out research to gauge the level of interest in this innovation. The results suggest that the QR code function will indeed be of benefit to doctors and healthcare providers and will offer a viable and improved alternative to current feedback collection methods:

92% of respondents said that QR codes had not yet been used by their organisation. However, 31% said they feel that the QR code will be a method used within their organisation going forward, and 46% stated that it may be.

54% of respondents said it was somewhat/very likely that the QR code will be the preferred method over paper-based feedback questionnaires.

To find out more about our Doctor 360˚, the only 360° assessment that provides valid results with fewer responses than the standard GMC questionnaire, or to find out more about using our QR code functionality for patient feedback questionnaires, get in touch.

Latest news

Our partner, Premier IT, launches Centric, its transformative appraisal platform

Appraisal tips – understanding your feedback with our Doctor 360° workbook

Benefits of our Doctor 360 digital patient feedback

Contact Us

Tel: 0117 332 8277
Email: support@edgecumbe.co.uk

Edgecumbe Consulting Group Ltd, Whitefriars Business Centre, 2nd Floor, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS21 2NT

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